It's amazing quite how excited I am by the prospect of a tandem arriving. I don't know quite what I imagine the tandem's impact is going to be upon my life but I guess I'll find out once it arrives. Realistically, it'll probably be a novelty initially and we'll be out on it a reasonable amount because it's something new and we're excited about it but, in the long run, I wonder how it's going to work out. I imagine it'll be good as it shall let us both (Myself and Kirby Girl) cycle together with no waiting around and both of us getting to push ourselves as much as we like. A lot of the success hinges on how considerate I am as a 'Captain' (I'm well into all that tandem terminology I can tell you). If I get up to my usual grumpy complaining, I can forget about tandems in the long run as I'll put Kirby Girl off within the first few journeys. If I'm out of character and act in a considerate manner, it could be the start of something beautiful.
I am hoping for the latter option. It should, I hope, be fine, as all I shall have to do is sit at the back and pedal, which I should be able to manage, I think. I do feel a little sorry for your new winter bike, it is very much playing second fiddle to the tandem. Any other time it would be causing all the excitement.
Yes, you're right, the Horizon is a bit of a 'spare dick at a whore's wedding' (As the expression goes) to an extent. I'm excited about getting it too but the Galaxy Twin is the one I'm absolutely gagging to try out. I think, in large part, it's because it's going to be a new cycling experience for me. It's a bit like going back to starting cycling again. I'll have all that wonderful 'fast improvement' to enjoy as we get more in synch on our tandem and it'll be lovely to share it with Kirby Girl.
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