Forgive the The Sun or News of the World type headline please. Whilst we were out shopping at a branch of a large chain of supermarkets (aka Tesco), I noticed someone swearing and getting very frustrated with a sticker stuck to her car's driver side window. Initially I thought 'Jeez, that's a pretty crappy thing for someone to do as a prank' until I realised she was parked in a disabled parking only space and didn't have the appropriate badge permitting her to do so. Upon further investigation, plenty of cars were in the same boat, with stickers on their windows telling them it was a parking spot reserved for disabled badge holders (or something along those lines but not badger holders) only.
Whilst I'm sure this is something commonplace in countries slightly less stunted in their evolution than Ireland, I was delighted to see some deterrent being implemented for the shits who choose to park in disabled only parking spaces simply because they're too lazy to walk an extra ten metres to and from the shop they're frequenting.
Without getting onto too much of a rant about it, you wonder why such lazy people really need to be bringing their cars everywhere in the first place, never mind parking in spaces allocated for people who require them, as opposed to finding them 'a bit handier'.
I like this! Hopefully the sticker is HUGE and has printed at the end: "you moron!"
Ah come on! Most cagers legs are painted on, thought you knew that!
What I thought was good about the stickers was you could see loads of cars driving about the area afterwards, presumably having been parked in the disabled allocated spots, and know the driver was an inconsiderate ballbag.
Also, I'm being naive but what the hell is a cager?
Oops, forgot to mention: Alas, the sticker wasn't huge (probably only about 15cm by around 12cm, at a guess) but, in good news, it was bright yellow and really obvious.
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