Thursday, November 03, 2005

Sorry Internet Explorer users

I use Mozilla Firefox as my nerdy internet browser and Ranting Cycle Bores shows up in the correct format with it. Today, however, I had a look at it using Internet Explorer (I'm not sure what version I've got now) and the format is all wrong and a bit stupid looking.

Although you get the nice pink and white scrollbar (or you should anyway) with Internet Explorer, the links (in the section on the right of the page) are offset in a horrible manner. You need to scroll all the way down the posts before you even come to the links. In case you didn't know, they're supposed to be level at the top in the style of a 'normal' webpage.

Not being a technical type, I've no idea how to fix this anomaly. If anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciated.

Just to check, does this happen to everyone viewing this with Internet Explorer or is it just our crappy PC (I hope it is)?


cfsmtb said...

We've viewing via Firefox, format seems ok to moi. Reckon cileo looks weird in IE. Oh well..

3Ply Stagliano said...

I had a look at yours too and think it had the same funny formatting. I hope it was just the version of Internet Explorer or our PC being funny. I'll stick to Firefox for browsing.

Jill Homer said...

I'm using a mac, and it looks fine to me.

3Ply Stagliano said...
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3Ply Stagliano said...

Super! That's good to know Jill. Hopefully it's just our crappy PC causing this oddness then.

Just thinking, it's about time I did another post. Gawd but I'm lazy.