Thursday, July 14, 2005

Maps are lovely

To call me 'slow on the uptake' might be a bit of an understatement.

Within the past couple of months, I've started cycling routes a little longer than I had previously. Through this, I've realised a lot of the little isolated circuits I used to cycle passed within a couple of miles of one another. I some cases, the longer circuits crossed over small runs I would have done. A dull flickering light came on in my head and I caught on to the fact I could forego my usual anal attitude of sticking to exactly the route I always do and incorporate different parts of different circuits as I passed near them. Hoorah for me! Ain't I great!

Since this revelation (by my standards, it is a groundbreaking realisation), I have realised I could have known all this if only I had looked at some maps properly months and months ago. Despite the quality of my writings here, I am capable of reading and could use maps advantageously in my cycling escapades. Therefore, in conclusion, maps are lovely.

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